Bancard Payment Systems Reviews & Complaints

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Company Overview

Founded in 1987, Bancard Payment Systems is a nationwide merchant account provider. It is worth mentioning that Bancard Payment Systems could potentially be confused with another merchant services provider called Bank Card Systems, but the two entities are unrelated. According to the company's website, Bankcard Payment Systems is an authorized dealer of the POS system TouchBistro.

Bancard Payment Systems Payment Processing

Bancard Payment Systems processes all major debit and credit cards for most business types. Their services include EMV readers and swipers, terminals and POS systems, e-commerce solutions including payment gateways, virtual terminals, mobile solutions, gift and loyalty programs,

Location & Ownership

The company's corporate headquarters can be found at 3701 W. Plano Pkwy, Suite #150, Plano, Texas 75075. Bancard Payment Systems is a registered ISO of Fifth Third Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio. Charles Christian is the company's CEO.

Bancard Payment Systems payment processing
Bancard Payment Systems offers most standard payment processing services
Pros & Cons
Pros: Cons:
ACH payment processing. Potential unexpected fees.
Loyalty, gift programs. Contract terms issues.
Business management tools. Poor customer service.
Free POS system included. High processing fees.
Diverse payment options. Long contract durations.

Bancard Payment Systems Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A
Recent Lawsuits No

Low Complaint Total

Our research indicates a minimal number of negative Bancard Payment Systems reviews, with only two identified instances. These reviews do not classify the company as a scam or a ripoff, but they do raise issues such as unexpected termination fees and inadequate customer service. Bancard Payment Systems’ approach to employing an in-house customer support staff may contribute to this relatively low volume of complaints. If you have a personal experience or review of Bancard Payment Systems, we invite you to share it in the comments below for the benefit of other readers.

Bancard Payment Systems Lawsuits

No outstanding class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints have been found against Bancard Payment Systems. Clients seeking resolutions outside of litigation are encouraged to consider reporting their issues to relevant supervisory organizations as a potential avenue for redress.

Bancard Payment Systems Customer Support Options

Bancard Payment Systems offers customer support via a general phone line and email. While not yet ranked as a top-rated processor for customer service, their internal support system seems to effectively handle and resolve complaints before they escalate. Additionally, a representative has mentioned that Bancard Payment Systems is in the process of developing a “Knowledge Base” to further support customers through self-service options.

Bancard Payment Systems Customer Service Numbers

  • (866) 783-7200 – Toll-Free Customer Support
  • (866) 783-7201 – Fax Line

Other Support Options

Bancard Payment Systems Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
BBB Reports 0

Clean Complaint Record

Bancard Payment Systems is not an accredited business of the Better Business Bureau and currently maintains an “A+” rating. The company has received 0 complaints in the past 36 months. No informal reviews have been left on the company’s profile either.

An “A” Performance Overall

Given the fact that the company has received 0 complaints, we agree with the BBB’s rating at this time.

Bancard Payment Systems Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Cancellation Penalties Yes
Monthly & Annual Fees Yes
Processing Rates 1.00% - 4.99%
Equipment Leasing Yes

Variable Contract Fees

Current details on the standard Bancard Payment Systems contract are scarce. One filed complaint mentions a $395 early termination fee, indicating that such fees might be subject to negotiation. An additional complaint reveals a situation where a Bancard Payment Systems representative engaged a client in a long-term equipment lease with Northern Leasing Systems, including a $400 termination fee from Bancard Payment Systems and a $1300 termination fee by Northern Leasing Systems.

The company also promotes its collaboration with TouchBistro, a provider specializing in restaurant-focused POS solutions, on its website.

Virtual Terminal and Payment Gateway Pricing

Bancard Payment Systems highlights its virtual terminal and payment gateway services online, though lacks detailed pricing information. Generally, additional fees such as gateway fees, technical support fees, batch fees, and other transaction rates are applicable to these e-commerce solutions.

Excessive Fees

The reported complaints raise concerns about potential excessive fees charged to merchants by Bancard Payment Systems, affecting its standing among the most affordable merchant accounts. If you possess insights into the standard Bancard Payment Systems contract, including any PCI compliance fees or monthly minimum fees, your input would be valuable in the comments below.

Bancard Payment Systems point of sale
Bancard Payment Systems partners with TouchBistro to offer a leading restaurant POS system

Bancard Payment Systems Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Uses Independent Resellers No
Telemarketing No
Misleading Marketing No
Discloses All Important Terms No

No Sales Complaints

Bancard Payment Systems does not appear to hire outside sales agents or independent resellers to market its services. We cannot locate any Bancard Payment Systems reviews that mention the sales team, which suggests that the company’s representatives do a sufficient job of communicating the terms of the company’s contract. However, if you suspect that Bancard Payment Systems is charging you undisclosed fees, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to eliminate hidden costs.

No Deceptive Advertising

Bancard Payment Systems also does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. If you have any experience with the Bancard Payment Systems sales team, please describe that communication in the comment section below.

Our Bancard Payment Systems Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Bancard Payment Systems rates as a reliable credit card processing provider according to our rating criteria. Although very little information is available about the company’s contract terms, there is some indication that the company charges expensive cancellation fees. Even when dealing with highly rated credit card processors, we advise readers to carefully read any contract they are given and to compare contract terms to those of top-rated merchant account providers.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Bancard Payment Systems Treat You?

2 User Reviews

  • Michael B. Durand

    Swellmagnet Inc

    Sleazy, sneaky tactics. I got completely robbed by them with a misleading contract, hidden fees, free trials I didn’t opt in for and was charged for after the 60 day period without consent for anything. I have been getting charged for an additional 2 years when I wasn’t even using their services. I never received an email, letter or phone call from anyone telling me I was delinquent on anything. I was contacted out of the blue by a collection agency, (they had no problem getting a hold of me), trying to pry 1600.00 dollars from me and they couldn’t tell me what for and only supplied one cryptic numeric invoices. When I tried to contact Bancard they said they had no records and the matter had been passed on to a collection agency. The Agency “Southwest Recovery Services” would not negotiate with me at all and threatened to ruin my credit rating. Anger and helplessness abound. I feel as if I have no recourse so here I am, they are total scammers!!!!

  • nicole ledbetter

    I have been working with this provider for just about a year. They are very expedient in their assistance when I need help. They are very customer-focused and understand that time is of the essence. I rate them 5 star.

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