EnablePay Reviews & Complaints

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Note: As of 2022, the EnablePay website no longer exists, and it appears the company has no more online presence. It is unclear whether the company still exists. If you have any information, please let us know in the comments below.

Founded in 2007

EnablePay Direct Inc. is a merchant account provider offering debit and credit card processing to businesses in the United States. Launched in 2007, EnablePay was purchased by Midland States Bancorp, Inc. in 2012.

EnablePay Headquarters and Ownership

According to the company's website, EnablePay's main office is located at 1201 Network Centre Dr, Effingham, Illinois 62401. EnablePay Direct Inc. is a registered ISO/MSP for Deutsche Bank AG in New York. Stephen Erickson is listed as the president and CEO of EnablePay.EnablePay Review Table of Content

Pros & Cons
Pros: Cons:
Safe: Reduces cash handling risks. Convenience: Simplifies customer transactions. Not Scalable: Challenges with business growth. Lacks Transparency: Fee details unclear.
Widely Accepted: Cards accepted everywhere. Higher Fees: Steeper transaction costs.
Easy Setup: Hassle-free, quick initiation. Limited Support: Less customer assistance.
E-Commerce Friendly: Integrates with online stores. Bookkeeping Complexity: Requires detailed accounting.
Flexibility: Offers multiple payment options. Fraud Risk: Increases security concerns.

EnablePay Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A

Clean Complaint Record

We are currently unable to locate any EnablePay complaints that accuse the company of being a scam or a ripoff. In fact, there appear to be zero complaints about EnablePay across all consumer protection websites. This low EnablePay complaint volume indicates that the company employs a responsive and capable support staff that resolves complaints in-house before they are taken public. If you have your own EnablePay complaint to make, please do so in the comments below.

EnablePay Lawsuits and Fines

We have not found any outstanding class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints filed against EnablePay. Dissatisfied merchants who wish to pursue a non-litigious course of action against the company should consider reporting it to the relevant supervisory organizations.

EnablePay Customer Customer Service Options

The company’s website lists dedicated phone, fax, and email contact information for its technical support and customer service staff. Still, the available evidence does not suggest that EnablePay should qualify as a top-rated processor for customer service at this time.

EnablePay Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

No Profile

The Better Business Bureau has removed its profile for EnablePay since our last update. This appears to be the result of EnablePay’s move from New York to Illinois, but it is impossible to know exactly why the profile was deleted and not replaced. We will not factor in a rating for this section because the BBB does not maintain a profile for EnablePay.

EnablePay Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate 1.00% - 4.99%
Keyed-in Rate 1.00% - 4.99%
Virtual Terminal Rate 1.00% - 4.99%
Payment Gateway Fee Undisclosed
Early Termination Fee Undisclosed
PCI Compliance Fee Undisclosed
Equipment Lease Terms Undisclosed

EnablePay Contract Terms

There isn’t a great deal of publicly available information about the standard EnablePay rates or contract. The company claims to offer transparent pricing that is at or close to the interchange rates for all cards. To compensate for this loss in potential earnings, the company advertises that it collects a set monthly fee that constitutes the bulk of its profits. The amount of this monthly fee is not disclosed on the EnablePay website.

Virtual Terminal and Payment Gateway Pricing

In addition to its storefront payment processing services, EnablePay also dedicates a portion of its website to advertising its virtual terminal and payment gateway services. However, pricing is not disclosed on either of those services. Additional rates and fees, including gateway fees, technical support fees, batch fees, and additional transaction rates typically apply to these e-commerce services.

No Pricing Complaints

At this time, there are no public EnablePay complaints that express dissatisfaction with the company’s contract, so we are awarding EnablePay an “A” rating for its contract terms. However, we have seen no definitive evidence that suggests EnablePay’s contract terms are competitive with the cheapest merchant accounts. If you have any knowledge of the company’s standard agreement (including any possible early termination fees or PCI Compliance fees), please share that information in the comment section of this review.

We also encourage merchants to check out our list of the providers of the best merchant accounts.

EnablePay Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers No
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

No Sales Complaints

EnablePay appears to market its services primarily through its website and through strategic partnerships with chambers of commerce, merchant associations, trade associations, institutions, non-profit societies, credit unions, and banks. It is unclear at this time whether the company employs in-house or independent sales representatives, but we are currently unable to locate any EnablePay complaints that mention unethical conduct by the company’s sales team.

This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

No Deceptive Ads

EnablePay also does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. We therefore award the company an “A” in this category. If you suspect that EnablePay is charging you undisclosed fees, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to find and eliminate hidden charges.

Our EnablePay Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

A Solid Credit Card Processor

EnablePay rates as a reliable merchant services provider according to our criteria. There is very little specific information about the company’s sales tactics and contract terms, but there are currently zero complaints about EnablePay on the usual consumer protection forums. The company’s rating may be subject to change once the BBB creates a new profile for it. For now, merchants are advised to compare the company’s pricing to top-rated merchant accounts to get the best rates.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did EnablePay Treat You?

1 User Reviews

  • Colton Denise

    I’ve been using EnablePay for my business transactions, and I couldn’t be happier with the results! It’s truly a game-changer in the payment processing world. The seamless integration with my existing systems made the setup a breeze, and now I can effortlessly accept payments from my clients. The security measures they have in place give me peace of mind, knowing that my customers’ data is well-protected.

    The real-time analytics and reporting features are invaluable, helping me make informed decisions and track my business’s financial health. Customer support has been top-notch; they’re always there to assist with any questions or concerns promptly. EnablePay has streamlined my payment processes, increased efficiency, and saved me valuable time. It’s a must-have for any business owner looking to optimize their payment operations. Highly recommended!

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