Electronic Transfer Inc. Reviews & Complaints

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Company Overview

Electronic Transfer, Inc., also known as Fash Charge and Electronic Merchant Systems, has been a merchant account provider since 1989. The company offers processing services for a wide range of businesses, but one of its major specialties is payment processing for firearms dealers. The company owns GunMerchantAccount.com as a way to specifically market to gun vendors. Their services include online processing, mobile solutions, and MOTO.

E-Commerce Payment Solutions

Electronic Transfer, Inc. also caters to online businesses with e-commerce payment gateways. These solutions support secure online transactions and can be integrated into various shopping cart systems.

Mobile Payment Processing

For businesses that need flexibility in accepting payments on the go, the company offers mobile payment processing options. This service allows merchants to process credit card transactions using mobile devices.

Merchant Accounts

Electronic Transfer, Inc. provides merchant accounts that facilitate the handling of credit card transactions. These accounts enable businesses to accept and process credit card payments by linking to the required financial institutions.

Fraud and Risk Management

To safeguard against fraudulent activities, Electronic Transfer, Inc. offers fraud and risk management tools. These tools are designed to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions, thus providing additional security to merchants.

Location & Ownership

Electronic Transfer, Inc. is headquartered at 3107 E. Mission Ave, Spokane, Washington 99202 and is an ISO/MSP of Merrick Bank, South Jordan, UT. Mike Knudtson is listed as the president of Electronic Transfer, Inc.

Electronic Transfer Inc. Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A
Recent Lawsuits No

Minimal Complaints Reported

We have not encountered any reviews describing Electronic Transfer Inc. as a fraudulent or dishonest company. While most consumer testimonials were positive, it’s essential to note that many were unverified. There is a single report in our comment section mentioning difficulties with account cancellation, but this appears to be an isolated incident. Considering the company’s lengthy tenure since 1989, the scarcity of complaints is notable. If you’ve had experiences with Electronic Transfer, Inc., we welcome you to share your review in the comments below.

Legal Status of Electronic Transfer, Inc.

There are no ongoing class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints against Electronic Transfer Inc. Clients dissatisfied with their experience are encouraged to report any concerns to the relevant supervisory organizations.

Customer Support at Electronic Transfer, Inc.

Electronic Transfer Inc.’s customer service department, equipped with dedicated lines for general support and specific issues, seems responsive in addressing complaints internally. Another possibility is that complaints are redirected to the online profiles of the numerous processors the company partners with. However, since there is no evidence supporting this claim, we have given Electronic Transfer an “A” in this category, indicating its customer support performs comparably to top-rated payment processors.

Electronic Transfer, Inc. Customer Service Contacts

  • (800) 757-5453 – Toll-Free Customer Support
  • (509) 924-6621 – Local Office

Other Support Options

  • Customer support form

Electronic Transfer Inc. Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
BBB Reports 1

Clean Complaint Record

Since 2000, Electronic Transfer, Inc. has been an accredited business of the Better Business Bureau, and the company retains an “A+” grade at the time of this review. Electronic Transfer has received 1 complaint in the past three years. The 1 complaint was resolved to the satisfaction of the client.

An “A” Performance Overall

In light of this information and the fact that the company is not showing any complaints, we agree with the BBB’s rating of the company. Readers should note, however, that there are good reasons to be skeptical of the BBB’s rating system.

Electronic Transfer Inc. Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Cancellation Penalties No
Monthly & Annual Fees Yes
Processing Rates 1.00% - 4.99% + $0.25
Equipment Leasing Unclear

Month-to-Month Agreement

Currently, specific details about the Electronic Transfer contract are not extensively documented in public sources. Electronic Transfer’s website indicates the company offers a month-to-month agreement without setup fees or an early termination fee.

A company representative noted that Electronic Transfer has not charged annual or termination fees in recent years. Additionally, they mentioned that since 2002, the company has ceased leasing equipment to clients. For businesses using the FastCharge payment gateway, cancellation is possible with a 30-day notice.

Electronic Transfer Inc. Pricing

As per the last update on the company’s website, Electronic Transfer Inc. advertised no annual fees and a $9.95 monthly statement fee. Previously listed on the website’s rates and fees chart (currently not visible) were a $0.25 transaction fee for debit and credit payments and an invitation for businesses to contact them for potentially lower rates for face-to-face sales. Despite the lack of precise rate information, Electronic Transfer Inc. complaints online do not highlight unexpected high rates or fees. A representative affirmed the company’s commitment to refunding clients for any undisclosed fees.

Virtual Terminal and Payment Gateway Pricing

Electronic Transfer, Inc. promotes its virtual terminal and payment gateway, named Fast Charge Payment Gateway. Although specific rates are not publicly disclosed, the company charges a $10 monthly gateway fee. It is typical for additional rates and fees, such as technical support fees, batch fees, and transaction rates, to apply to these e-commerce services.

Satisfactory Contract Terms

In the absence of conflicting information, it appears that Electronic Transfer provides competitive rates relative to low-cost merchant accounts and that its contract terms generally meet client expectations. If you possess detailed information about Electronic Transfer’s standard contract, particularly concerning PCI compliance fees or monthly minimum fees, your input would be valuable in the comments section of this review.

Readers are also invited to explore our curated list of the best merchant accounts for further comparisons.

Electronic Transfer Inc. Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Uses Independent Resellers Yes
Telemarketing Likely
Misleading Marketing No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Resellers and Outside Agents

Electronic Transfer appears to hire independent resellers, sub-ISOs, and agents to market its services. This is a standard practice within the industry that often results in an elevated complaint rate for a company, as it is difficult for any business to regulate the conduct of independent sales entities. In the case of Electronic Transfer, however, this hiring practice does not seem to have had a negative effect on its reputation. At the time of this update, we are unable to locate any Electronic Transfer, Inc. complaints that mention the company’s sales team.

This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

No Misleading Advertising

The company also does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. If you are concerned that Electronic Transfer is overcharging you, however, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to eliminate hidden fees.

Our Electronic Transfer Inc. Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

By all available indicators, Electronic Transfer, Inc. rates as a reputable credit card processing provider for standard and high-risk businesses. The company is showing no publicly available complaints and appears to offer better-than-average contractual terms. Electronic Transfer, Inc. is an ideal choice for businesses seeking a gun-friendly credit card processor, but businesses operating in other high-risk industries should compare the company’s contract terms and rates to other top-rated high-risk payment processors.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Electronic Transfer Inc. Treat You?

3 User Reviews

  • Steve

    We used their service for about 5 years and its expensive but dependable they got the job done.
    The problem came when we canceled the service they had ever changing requirements to cancel our account first we were told to sign and email the forms then they said these wouldn’t work we ended up faxing the docs and we were told the account was now closed a couple of months later they told us the account was never closed because they didn’t receive the fax it turned out they lost them so we sent pictures of the fax and proof of service a couple of months went by and then they contacted us and they hadn’t closed our account because we didn’t provide the emailed docs that they had rejected earlier and they hadn’t closed the account so now it turns out they had been taking money from our bank account totaling over $300 and they refuse to refund any of it.
    Its been a nightmare

  • Gail Landi

    Also known as Signature Card Services
    Absolutely this company and all of their employees are absolutely amazing to work with. They will jump through hoops to get you a great rate and to get you up and running as soon as possible. Do you believe in this day and age that every time I call a human being picks up the phone. And they are so knowledgeable, professional and friendly. I have dealt with many credit card processing companies in the past with my 30+ years in retail business and I am thrilled with this company. Do yourself a favor and try them out, you will not be disappointed. Thank you Naomi, Travis and Sherry, JOB WELL DONE!

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