Fidelity Payment Systems Review

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Updated 12/24/2018: The website for Fidelity Payment Systems ( appears to no longer be an active website, and it is unclear whether the company itself is still in operation. If you have any knowledge of Fidelity Payment Systems' status (whether it is still active, operating under another name, or no longer in business), please leave that information in the comment section below this review.

Fidelity Payment Systems ( is a merchant account provider headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. The company's in-store solution is known as “Fidelity Point,” while its online debit and credit card processing service is known as “Fidelity Link.” Fidelity Payment Systems, LLC, is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., in Walnut Creek, California, and is located at 10302 Deerwood Park Blvd Suite 150, Jacksonville, Florida 32256. Barry Grahek is listed as the principal for Fidelity Payment Systems.

Key Points

  • Sales & Marketing: Fidelity Payment Systems does not engage in misleading sales tactics and has received only one complaint about its sales team.
  • Costs & Contract: Fidelity Payment Systems does not provide details about its pricing, and third-party reports are scarce.
  • Complaints & Service: Fidelity Payment Systems has received only one complaint and it may have been posted in error.
  • BBB Rating: Fidelity Payment Systems is not rated with the Better Business Bureau at this time and has not received any BBB complaints.
  • Rates & Fees: How Merchants Got The Best Rates With Fidelity Payment Systems

Fidelity Payment Systems Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A

We are currently able to locate one negative Fidelity Payment Systems review, and this complaint does not accuse the company of being a scam or a ripoff. The complainant describes misrepresentation by a sales agent and poor customer service from Fidelity Payment Systems. However, the commenter also states that they filed a report with the Better Business Bureau regarding the matter, but the Better Business Bureau profile for Fidelity Payment Systems does not reflect that a complaint has been filed within the past three years. It therefore seems likely that this commenter mistakenly posted the negative review about Fidelity Payment Systems rather than Fidelity Payment Services.

Fidelity Payment Systems appears to be a very small company as of this update, so it may be that the company simply hasn’t done enough business to generate many reviews. It is also possible that if the company is a reseller of another company’s services, complaints about Fidelity Payment Systems are redirected to the online profiles of its processor. Given the general absence of complaints about the company, however, we are inclined to assume at this time that the company employs a capable and reachable customer service staff that does an effective job of resolving complaints in-house.

Fidelity Payment Systems Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 0
Billing & Collection Complaints 0
Advertising & Sales Complaints 0
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 0
Delivery Complaints 0

Note: We have adjusted this company’s BBB rating according to our own standards. To better understand why we adjust BBB ratings, please see our Rating Criteria.

Fidelity Payment Systems is not an accredited business with the Better Business Bureau. As of this review, the company does not have a rating with the BBB and has had no complaints filed against it in the last 36 months. The BBB states that it has not issued a rating because it is currently reviewing or updating the company’s profile. Given the company’s clean complaint record both outside of the BBB and with the BBB, we have adjusted the BBB’s rating to an “A” for the purposes of this review.

Fidelity Payment Systems Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate Variable
Keyed-in Rate Variable
Early Termination Fee Variable
PCI Compliance Fee Variable
Equipment Lease Terms Variable

There is no publicly available information about the standard Fidelity Payment Systems contract at this time. It is very likely that the company is a reseller of a much larger credit card processor’s services, but the identity of this larger company is currently unknown. We cannot find any complaints related to the Fidelity Payment Systems contract, so we will assume at this time that most of the company’s clients are satisfied with their contract terms. If you have any knowledge of the standard Fidelity Payment Systems contract, including its service length, early termination fee, and PCI Compliance fee, please leave that information in the comment section of this review.

Fidelity Payment Systems Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers No
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Fidelity Payment Systems appears to primarily market itself through its website. There is no evidence at this time that the company partners with ISOs, independent sales agents, or other resellers to market its services. In addition, we are able to locate only one complaint related to a sales experience with Fidelity Payment Systems, and it seems possible that this commenter has confused Fidelity Payment Systems with Fidelity Payment Services. The Fidelity Payment Systems website does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies, although it discloses very little about the company.

Our Fidelity Payment Systems Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

According to all available information, Fidelity Payment Systems is a reliable merchant services provider. The company is showing zero complaints across all consumer protection websites at this time, but there are also very few details available about its contract terms, business partners, hiring practices, or support apparatus. It is worth noting that the company could potentially be confused with Fidelity Payment Services in search results, but there is no indication as of this review that the two companies are related.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Fidelity Payment Systems Treat You?

2 User Reviews

  • Jessica

    Stay away from this business. I had a terrible experience with their SA and their representatives not taking responsibility for their agent’s actions. I filed a report with BBB and they say that I was being fraudulent in my reporting. In addition, to make it easier for all parties involved I asked that a specific date be set for cancellation. They cancelled two business days before the date I asked for leaving me stranded with my customers. Overall, terrible experience and unprofessional customer service all around.

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