Eagle Merchant Services Review

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Updated 3/11/2019: The Eagle Merchant Services website (eaglemerchantservices.com) is no longer active and the company appears to be out of business. If you have any knowledge of Eagle Merchant Services's status (including any alternate business names or related ventures), please share that information in the comment section below.

Eagle Merchant Services, Inc. (eaglemerchantservices.com) is a privately held merchant account provider specializing in processing for credit, debit, and EBT (electronic benefits transfer). The company, founded in 1996, also provides services for e-commerce, phone/mail order and wireless/mobile businesses (through Phone Swipe). The company's corporate address can be found at 301 East Church St., Sandwich, Illinois 60548-1616. Eagle Merchant Services is a registered ISO/MSP of Member Bank Synovus Bank, Columbus, Georgia.

Eagle Merchant Services Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

As of this update, we are unable to locate any Eagle Merchant Services reviews that accuse the company of being a ripoff or scam. This is an impressively low complaint rate for a company that has been in business since 1996. The total lack of complaints indicates that Eagle Merchant Services employs a responsive and available customer support team. The company’s website offers a dedicated support phone number and email address.

Eagle Merchant Services Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Accredited with the Better Business Bureau since 2005, Eagle Merchant Services currently shows an “A+” score. One complaint has been registered with the BBB citing problems with products and services. This complaint has been resolved to the merchant’s satisfaction. Given the company’s low complaint total and positive resolution, we agree with the BBB’s rating.

Eagle Merchant Services Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

There is very little information available about the standard terms of an Eagle Merchant Services contract. The company’s website advertises no long-term agreements, cancellation fees, monthly minimums, or annual fees, and while this appears to be an almost unrealistically competitive package, we are unable to locate any online complaints that dispute these advertised terms. In the absence of merchant complaints about the company’s contract terms, we are awarding the company an “A” rating in this category. If you have any knowledge of the standard Eagle Merchant Services contract, please leave that information in the comment section of this review.

Eagle Merchant Services Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Eagle Merchant Services appears to market its services primarily through its website. The company does not appear to hire independent agents or resellers, and as of this update, we are unable to locate any negative Eagle Merchant Services reviews that mention the company’s sales team. The company does not seem to engage in any deceptive advertising in its official materials, although its mobile processing solution, Phone Swipe, appears to quote a “Qualified” rate of $2.69 for all swiped transactions. This rate quote does not mention whether rates will vary for “Mid-Qualified” or “Non-Qualified” swipes, and we are unable to verify the actual rate structure as of this review.

Our Eagle Merchant Services Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Eagle Merchant Services appears to be inactive at this time, and it is unclear whether the company is still an active merchant services provider. Before its website disappeared, the company was showing an “A” overall from CardPaymentOptions.com. For now, we will not assign it an overall rating.

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  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Eagle Merchant Services Treat You?

1 User Reviews

  • Ian Andrea

    I can’t say enough good things about Eagle Merchant Services! As a small business owner, I was looking for a reliable payment processing partner, and they exceeded all my expectations. From the moment I signed up, their team provided top-notch customer service, guiding me through the setup process with ease.

    Their payment solutions are cutting-edge, making transactions a breeze for both my customers and me. What’s even better is their transparent fee structure, saving me from any hidden surprises. It’s refreshing to work with a company that truly values its customers.

    With Eagle Merchant Services, I now have access to robust analytics and reporting tools, giving me valuable insights into my business performance. Their secure and seamless payment gateway has also boosted customer trust, leading to increased sales.

    I highly recommend Eagle Merchant Services to any business seeking a reliable, professional, and friendly payment processing partner. They’ve made a significant positive impact on my business, and I’m confident they’ll do the same for yours!

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