Calpian Commerce Review

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UPDATE 1/18/2019: Calpian Commerce and Calpian Inc. have been acquired by Excel Corporation. To be specific, Excel Corporation created a subsidiary called eVance Processing, Inc., under which it purchased substantially all of the U.S. operations of Calpian Inc. Excel Corporation is the parent company of Securus Payments, which has recently rebranded as “Chyp.” For up-to-date information regarding this organization, see our Chyp review.

Calpian Commerce (, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dallas-based Calpian Inc., is a merchant account provider that came into being after purchasing the assets of Pipeline Data in March 2013. Calpian appears to have assumed control of the sales channels of Pipeline Data, which include SecurePay,, Northern Merchant Services, World Products, Inc. (aka AIRCHARGE),, and PayPipe, Inc. Calpian Commerce is a registered ISO/MSP of Chase Paymentech Solutions, LLC; BMO Harris Bank, N.A., Chicago, Illinois; Merrick Bank; and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, California. The company lists its address as 4400 North Point Parkway, Suite 295, Alpharetta, Georgia 30022. Chris Anderson is listed as the president of Calpian Commerce.

Calpian Commerce Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A

We are currently able to locate four negative Calpian Commerce reviews, and none of these accuse the company of being a ripoff or a scam. The issues most commonly cited by complainants are fund holds, unexpected fees, and difficulty cancelling the service. It’s also worth noting that Pipeline Data was the subject of a high number of complaints during its time, specifically regarding its harsh cash reserve policy, long-term holds (up to 180 days) of large amounts, and poor customer service through both Pipeline Data’s subsidiaries and Cynergy Data. The various products and subsidiaries of Calpian are also showing moderate-to-high complaint totals. Although Calpian has a low complaint total for the brief time it has been active, the company’s subsidiaries and the reputation of Pipeline Data have lowered its score in this section.

Calpian Commerce Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 0
Billing & Collection Complaints 6
Advertising & Sales Complaints 0
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 0
Delivery Complaints 0

Note: We have adjusted this company’s BBB rating according to our own standards. To better understand why we adjust BBB ratings, please see our Rating Criteria.

Calpian Commerce has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau since May 2015 and is currently showing an “A” rating. The company has received six total complaints on its BBB profile in the past three years, with all of these related to billing or collection disputes. Four complaints have been resolved successfully, while two complaints were resolved to the dissatisfaction of the complainants. The company has also not received any informal reviews on its profile. Given Calpian’s complaint total and resolution ratio, we have slightly adjusted the BBB’s rating to an “A-.”

Calpian Commerce Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Rates & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate Variable
Keyed-in Rate Variable
Early Termination Fee $350
PCI Compliance Fee $185
Equipment Lease Terms Variable

Calpian Commerce and its subsidiaries appear to offer contract terms through Cynergy Data that include a three-year service agreement with an early termination fee of $350, a PCI Compliance fee of approximately $185, and various other assorted fees. Since there are many companies within the Calpian Commerce network of businesses that offer merchant services, it is very likely that these terms vary from provider to provider. Agents likely have some freedom to alter contract terms as they deem necessary, and these terms may change depending on a merchant’s size, business type, and time in business. Merchants are advised to read their contract terms carefully and ensure that they have all the requisite information about the account. If you have any specific knowledge of the standard Calpian Commerce contract, please leave that information in the comment section of this review.

Calpian Commerce Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers Yes
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Like Pipeline Data before it, Calpian Commerce does not appear to have a direct sales channel, instead marketing its services through several subsidiaries and ISOs. The company also appears to employ independent sales agents through these smaller companies, which is a common hiring practice within the credit card processing industry. We are currently unable to locate any negative Calpian Commerce reviews that accuse the company’s sales agents of unethical conduct, but we are weighing the very poor reputation of Pipeline Data against Calpian’s clean complaint record. Several of the subsidiaries of Pipeline Data are commonly accused by merchants of misleading sales tactics, and there is no indication at this time that Calpian has changed its policies in the short time it has been active. To its credit, Calpian Commerce itself does not appear to engage in deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. At this time, we will award Calpian Commerce an average grade of “B.”

Our Calpian Commerce Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Calpian Commerce rates as an average merchant services provider according to all available information. The company’s relationship with the now-defunct Pipeline Data and its subsidiaries is the greatest cause for concern with Calpian Commerce, but there has not been a significant amount of complaints filed against the company recently. The company’s overall rating will likely change as it continues to grow and develop a reputation.

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Calpian Commerce Treat You?

6 User Reviews

  • DR Sean Jenkins

    We used this service for a few years with sub par results. We cancelled in may and they are still taking money out of my account. I have faxed, called written letters and nothing has changed. This has been going on for 7 month and know they charged my an anual fee of $150 today. This is not bad business these guys are thiefs.


  • David

    We cancelled our service with Calpian due the poor customer service. Dealing with their phone reps is like getting a root canal. There are much better options than these guys out there.

  • Naomi Bar-Lev

    Is bad, does not identify charges on bank statements and points fingers at who then redirects to Calpian Commerce. Disguises on bank statement with generic name Merchant Services with no phone number. Short of closing my bank account down I wouldn’t have known how to get rid of these charges without a lot of research and run around. Feel free to contact me.

  • James Kinney

    My needs changed after initiating a program with this processor, so I contacted customer service to cancel my service, so I would not continue to pay monthly fees. The person on the phone was pleasant and said that I had no contract and was permitted to cancel at any time. However, they needed me to fill out a cancellation form, which she would email to me. She had my email address and I confirmed it was correct. After a few days I had not received the form, so I called back. The person I spoke with was apologetic and said she would again email the form. I again did not receive it. Now I am thinking I am being taken for a ride. For what reason would I not be able to cancel verbally? I will keep trying…

  • Jodi

    They are liars and thief’s, every single person in risk, they will give you a million and one reasons to hold your money and make so many demands for you to obtain your money. When you finally meet their 200 demands then they proceed to tell you their holding your money for another 4-8 weeks. I suggest not using them what so ever, I will be filing a complaint with the BBB and my lawyer to obtain my funds.

  • Francois

    I was with Pipeline/Calpian for 7 years. Horrible company. Once Calpian took over the delayed time for deposit went from 3 days to 4. Funds are being held for not reasonable reasons. Transaction flags creating hold on account that can really hurts a business. Not mentioning fees and % charges higher than most . And very clueless and uninformed staff.

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