Occent Merchant Services Review

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Update 2/11/19: Occent Merchant Services appears to have rebranded to the name “ExpiTrans” (expitrans.com). See our ExpiTrans review for current information about this company.

Occent Merchant Services (occent.com) is a North American merchant services provider serving many kinds of businesses including retail, e-commerce, restaurant, and mail order/telephone order. The company’s services include major credit card processing, debit processing, loyalty/gift cards, B2B (business to business), check guarantee, Internet processing, POS terminals and other processing equipment. The company, founded in 2003, is located at 1401 Dove Street, Suite 260, Newport Beach, CA 92660.

Occent has been an accredited business of the Better Business Bureau since 2007 and has an “A-” grade at this time of review. Of the five complaints registered in the last 36 months, one is categorized under advertising and sales, and the remaining four under problems with products or services. Two of these complaints were resolved with BBB assistance while three left the merchant dissatisfied with the result. No further complaints were located on other consumer-protection websites.

Occent Merchant Services is a registered ISO/MSP for HSBC Bank USA, National Association, Buffalo, NY.

Occent Merchant Services Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

See our ExpiTrans review.

Occent Merchant Services Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

See our ExpiTrans review.

Occent Merchant Services Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

See our ExpiTrans review.

Occent Merchant Services Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

See our ExpiTrans review.

Our Occent Merchant Services Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

See our ExpiTrans review.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Occent Merchant Services Treat You?

1 User Reviews

  • Jose Julia

    I’ve been using Occent Merchant Services for over a year now, and I can’t say enough about their exceptional services! As a small business owner, I was looking for a payment processing solution that could streamline transactions and enhance customer experience, and Occent delivered on all fronts.

    Their user-friendly platform makes it a breeze to manage transactions, track sales, and access insightful analytics. But what truly sets them apart is their top-notch customer support. Whenever I had a question or encountered a minor issue, their team was quick to respond and resolve it with a friendly and professional approach.

    Occent Merchant Services has undoubtedly played a pivotal role in optimizing my business operations and boosting overall profitability. I highly recommend them to any fellow entrepreneur seeking a reliable and efficient payment processing partner. With Occent, you’re in capable hands!

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