EpicPay Reviews & Complaints

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Note: As of May 2021, EpicPay was acquired by FortisPay and absorbed into their brand. We will therefore no longer be updating this profile and direct all interested parties to the FortisPay profile.

Offering Merchant Services Since 2001

Founded in 2001 and formerly known as Spectrum Merchant Services, EpicPay is a merchant account provider based in Frisco, Texas.

In 2021, EpicPay was acquired by FortisPay and absorbed into their brand.

EpicPay Location and Ownership

EpicPay is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, Concord, California, N.A. EpicPay maintains its headquarters at 9300 Wade Blvd, Suite 220 Frisco, Texas 75035. Marco Leardini is the president, founder, and CEO of EpicPay. David Rounds is also listed as a founder.

Pros & Cons
Pros: Cons:
No deceptive rates. Contract terms not competitive.
High customer satisfaction. Three-year contract.
Fewer than 10 complaints. Early termination fee.
A+ BBB rating. Potential undisclosed fees.
Effective independent sales. Not the cheapest option.

EpicPay Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A

Clean Complaint Record

Extensive searches have not revealed significant negative EpicPay reviews, indicating that the company is likely not engaged in any deceptive or fraudulent practices. A single complaint related to Spectrum Merchant Services, which is associated with EpicPay’s alternate or former name, cites a $495 early termination fee. However, it’s not certain whether this fee reflects the current policies of EpicPay.

EpicPay Lawsuits and Fines

There are no outstanding class-action lawsuits or Federal Trade Commission (FTC) complaints filed against EpicPay. Merchants seeking resolutions outside of court are recommended to consider reporting their issues to appropriate supervisory organizations.

EpicPay Customer Service Channels

The discrepancy between the $495 early termination fee mentioned in the complaint against Spectrum and the $350 fee listed in EpicPay’s program guide may suggest different contract terms under each brand. Consequently, this isolated Spectrum complaint has not been factored into our overall assessment of EpicPay. EpicPay offers phone and email support to its merchants. Although these support options are valuable, they do not currently rank EpicPay among the top-rated payment processors for customer service.

EpicPay Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 0
Billing & Collection Complaints 0
Advertising & Sales Complaints 0
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 0
Delivery Complaints 0

No BBB Complaints

EpicPay currently maintains an “A+” rating with the Better Business Bureau and is not accredited. The company is showing 0 complaints since the profile was established in 2014, and its perfect complaint record is the primary reason for its “A+” grade. EpicPay has also not received any informal reviews on its BBB profile.

An “A” Performance

Given the company’s clean complaint record, we agree with the BBB’s rating at this time. Merchants should note, however, that there are good reasons to be skeptical of the BBB’s rating system.

EpicPay Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate 2.69% + $0.10
Keyed-in Rate 3.69% + $0.10
Virtual Terminal Rate 1.00% - 4.99%
Payment Gateway Fee Undisclosed
Early Termination Fee $250-$350
PCI Compliance Fee Undisclosed
Equipment Lease Terms Undisclosed

Three-Year Agreement

The standard EpicPay agreement operates on a three-year term through First Data with an early termination fee of either $250 (if canceled after one year) or $350 (if canceled within the first year). First Data generally offers rates of 2.69% plus $0.10 per swiped transaction and 3.69% plus $0.10 for keyed-in transactions, but these rates may vary as merchant service providers have the discretion to adjust them. The details regarding EpicPay’s monthly minimum processing fee remain unspecified, and it’s not currently clear whether EpicPay imposes statement fees, PCI Compliance fees, or other common charges.

Virtual Terminal and Payment Gateway Pricing

EpicPay also promotes its virtual terminal and payment gateway services on its website, though it does not publicly list the pricing for these services. Businesses should anticipate additional costs, such as gateway fees, technical support fees, batch fees, and extra transaction charges, which are common for e-commerce services.

Not Competitively Priced

The contract length and early termination fees associated with EpicPay do not stand out as particularly competitive within the merchant services industry, which may be a consideration for businesses comparing more affordable merchant account options. Nonetheless, there are minimal complaints available regarding EpicPay’s contract terms. Consequently, EpicPay’s ratings in this area will not suffer significantly.

Merchants are also encouraged to review our compilation of the top merchant account providers to find competitive offers and terms.

EpicPay Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers Yes
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Outside Sales Agents

EpicPay appears to hire independent sales agents to market its services. The use of independent sales agents is common within the credit card processing industry and can sometimes produce merchant complaints. In this case, however, we are unable to locate any EpicPay complaints that mention deceptive sales practices by the company’s employees. This indicates that EpicPay may provide stronger oversight and support for its independent agents than is typical within the industry.

This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

No Deceptive Quotes

EpicPay does not list any misleading rate quotes on its website and even provides its program guide for anyone to view. That said, we always recommend that merchants consider a third-party statement audit to find and eliminate hidden fees.

Our EpicPay Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

A Reputable Credit Card Processor

EpicPay rates as a reliable merchant services provider according to all available information. The company’s contract terms appear to be fairly standard for the industry, but there are no complaints at this time that mention issues with EpicPay’s sales tactics or pricing. The company appears to offer outstanding service and support on par with top-rated providers. Merchants should note that the company’s name is spelled as “EpicPay” (one word) instead of “Epic Pay,” and they should also be aware that EpicPay’s former/alternate business name is Spectrum Merchant Services.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did EpicPay Treat You?

1 User Reviews

  • Joey Adair

    As an agent for EpicPay and having a relationship with them for the last 8+ years, I can confidently say that these folks are the greatest friendly bunch to work with and hold their agents to very high ethical standards. As one of their agents, I keep very close tabs on my customers and have never heard a negative word about EpicPay from them in over 8 years. Not. Once.

    Not one rate increase. Not one complaint. Not $1 held from deposit without a personal phone call to the merchant and them notifying me so I can get involved to get it fixed, same day.

    These people are focused on 3 things: providing great service, clean business, and enhanced technological capability.

    Love them.

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