Pacific Payment Systems Reviews & Complaints

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A First Data (Fiserv) Reseller

Founded in 2016, Pacific Payment Solutions is a merchant account provider that serves most standard business types. The company resells First Data (now Fiserv) products and services, specifically Clover point-of-sale processing equipment.

Pacific Payment Solutions Payment Processing

Pacific Payment Solutions processes most major debit and credit cards for most business types. Their services include POS solutions, access to payment gateways, e-commerce solutions including shopping carts, and MOTO payments.

Pacific Payment Solutions Location & Ownership

Pacific Payment Solutions is headquartered at 30 Lindbergh Ave, Livermore, California 94551, and is a registered ISO of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Concord, CA. Nikolai Novak is the registered agent of Pacific Payment Solutions.

Pacific Payment Systems payment processing
Pacific Payment Systems offers standard payment processing services

Pacific Payment Systems Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support No
Most Common Complaint N/A

No Public Complaints

We are currently unable to locate any extensive Pacific Payment Solutions reviews that accuse the company of being a ripoff or a scam. A single complaint or review mentions an issue with hardware compatibility, as noted in the comments section. This limited feedback suggests that Pacific Payment Solutions is committed to proactive customer support. We encourage sharing your own experiences or Pacific Payment Solutions customer reviews in the comments below.

Pacific Payment Solutions Lawsuits

We have not found any outstanding class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints filed against Pacific Payment Solutions. For merchants seeking non-litigious resolutions, we recommend considering reporting to relevant supervisory organizations.

Pacific Payment Solutions Customer Service Options

The Pacific Payment Solutions website offers a contact form and a phone number for customer inquiries. However, a dedicated customer support number is not listed separately. This can be a consideration for users seeking direct communication channels.

We have identified a Pacific Payment Solutions customer service number:

(877) 360-4353 – Toll-Free General Customer Service

While we give Pacific Payment Solutions an “A” rating for customer service, it is noted that the company’s support options might not yet place it among the top-rated customer service processors. We emphasize keywords like ‘

Pacific Payment Systems Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

No Profile Available

The Better Business Bureau does not maintain a profile for Pacific Payment Solutions at this time. We therefore will not factor a BBB rating into this review.

Pacific Payment Systems Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate 1.00% - 4.99%
Keyed-In Rate 1.00% - 4.99%
Early Termination Fee Variable
PCI Compliance Fee Variable
Equipment Lease Terms Variable

Pacific Payment Solutions Contract Terms

The standard Pacific Payment Solutions contract is a three-year agreement through First Data (Fiserv) with an unspecified early termination fee and a built-in equipment lease from First Data Global Leasing. The specific Pacific Payment Solutions rates and fees charged on a monthly basis are determined by each merchant’s sales agent and listed in a separate document called a “merchant application.” Merchants can likely expect standard industry pricing with some customization depending on their business type and processing history.

No Red Flags

The total absence of Pacific Payment Solutions complaints about the company’s contract terms merits an “A” in this category, but it should be noted that we are assigning this grade without any verified knowledge of specific pricing. Due to the company’s standard First Data (Fiserv) contract, it is unlikely that Pacific Payment Solutions’ contract terms are competitive with the cheapest merchant accounts. See the Pacific Payment Solutions Omaha Program Guide and the Pacific Payment Solutions North Program Guide. We would also encourage merchants to check out our list of the providers of the best merchant accounts.

Pacific Payment Systems Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers No
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

In-House Sales Team

Pacific Payment Solutions appears to rely on its in-house sales team and traditional advertising to market its services. There is no evidence at this time indicating that the company employs independent sales agents, and we are unable to locate any Pacific Payment Solutions reviews that report unethical behavior by the company’s sales staff. This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

No Misleading Quotes

Pacific Payment Solutions does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. In fact, its website provides a limited amount of information in general. If you suspect that you are being charged undisclosed Pacific Payment Solutions fees, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to eliminate hidden charges.

Our Pacific Payment Systems Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Solid Option for Most Merchants

According to all available information, Pacific Payment Solutions rates as a dependable merchant services provider. There is not a lot of specific information available about the company’s sales tactics or contract terms at this time, and it is possible that the company’s rating will change once more becomes known. Even when dealing with companies that rate highly by our standards, we urge merchants to thoroughly examine the terms of any contract they are given and to compare its pricing to top-rated merchant account providers.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Pacific Payment Systems Treat You?

3 User Reviews

  • Ryan

    Mr. Pizza South

    Jay McGraw of Pacific Payment Systems scammed me into a 48-month lease with Ascentium Capital at $300/ month ($15,000 total) for equipment that can be purchased for roughly $700-$800 total.

    Jay cold called me June of 2020, while my small business was in government mandated shutdown, claiming he would save me a lot of money on credit card processing. He had me sign an application (which is what the top of the document says), assuring me that it was a no risk trial, and I could cancel at any time. He rushed me to sign over the internet (the first document that I had ever signed online in my life). The document was auto complete that you just click through and sign where needed. At the very end was a 48-month non-cancellable lease through a completely different leasing company (Ascentium Capital) that he does not mention is involved. In fact, he is not even an employee of leasing company. Therefore, he can tell you anything he wants to get you to sign and the third-party leasing company has me in a contract that I am still in. Any lies that he tells to get you to sign do not matter as he is not an employee of the leasing company!

    To make things worse, my equipment is now malfunctioning, and I have to BUY a new credit card terminal for $250 while still paying the $300/month for equipment that does not work.

    Lies Jay will tell you to get you to sign.

    1. This is just and application for a trial that you can cancel at any time.
    Actual: This is a two-year non-cancellable processing contract and a 48-month non-cancellable lease with a completely different company that you do not want to be involved with. Go look up Ascentium Capital on this site and you will see.

    2. You can send in your equipment for new if you have any problems with it at any time.
    Actual: You are paying the $15,000 lease for only the original equipment worth around$700 total! Any issues with the equipment and you have to buy new while continuing to pay the lease.

    3. Jay says that he will save you money on your processing fees.
    Actual: My bill came back charging me higher processing fees than my previous company, plus a $300/month 48-month lease. All completely non-cancellable.

    4. Jay said that he would help me with any questions or issues that I had with my service or equipment.
    Actual: Jay has not spoken with me since he scammed me in to signing the “application.” All of my calls and emails to him went unanswered to this day.

    Jay will say that he is for small businesses, but he is actually out to destroy them with very shady sales practices.

    I can honestly say that signing the application with Jay McGraw was the single biggest mistake of my entire life. Please do not make the same mistake.

  • Jay McGraw

    Pacific Payment Systems

    Judith, I do believe that your complaint was addressed and we did apologize for the mistake the rep made (who was new in training) and we canceled your account and refunded those two bills you as well. By all means please let us know if there is anything else we can do as we pride ourselves in having the best customer service and do not check review sites regularly.

  • Judith Anderson

    When I was solicited over the phone, I was promised the equipment would work with my existing Elo cash register. I was sent equipment with a promise that I would receive support in setting things up. Neither of these promises were ever followed through. I called about where to return the equipment and sent e-mails. No response. I have sent several e-mails and made several calls to this company to cancel this service as I have not made one charge with it. I later received one follow up from a help-desk type person who said he would talk to someone about integrating the equipment. Its been over a month and no follow up call has ever been received. Only a second bill of $100+ for a service I have not been able to use.

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