KBO Payment Processing Review: Fees, Complaints & Lawsuits

KBO Payment Processing Logo
Overall Score
full star full star full star full star full star

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First Data (now Fiserv) Reseller

KBO Payment Processing is a merchant account provider headquartered in Peachtree City, Georgia. The company is a reseller of First Data (Fiserv) merchant services, but an earlier version of its website also featured the logos of Sage, TransFirst, and TSYS. The company also advertises its enforcement of Poynt and Clover POS systems.

KBO Payment Processing

KBO Payment Processing processes all major debit and credit cards for most business types. Their services include: POS solutions including from Clover and Poynt, mobile solutions, ACH and e-check processing, e-commerce solutions, access to virtual terminals, cash discounts, gift cards, and PCI compliance.

KBO Payment Processing Location & Ownership

KBO Payment Processing is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, Concord, California, and is located at 608 Spectrum Vis, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269. Kelly King is listed as a co-owner of KBO Payment Processing, while Will Harrison is listed as president on LinkedIn.

KBO Payment Processing
KBO Payment Processing offers standard payment processing services

KBO Payment Processing Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A

Clean Complaint Record

We are currently unable to locate any KBO Payment Processing reviews that accuse the company of being a ripoff or a scam. This enviable complaint record indicates that KBO Payment Processing employs a reliable, knowledgeable customer service staff, but an alternative explanation might be that the company’s service and the associated complaints are outsourced to First Data (Fiserv). There is no evidence that this is occurring, though. If you have your own KBO Payment Processing review to make, please do so in the comments below.

KBO Payment Processing Lawsuits

We have not found any outstanding class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints filed against KBO Payment Processing. Dissatisfied merchants who wish to pursue a non-litigious course of action against the company should consider reporting it to the relevant supervisory organizations.

KBO Payment Processing Customer Service Options

KBO Payment Processing lists a phone number and email on their website.

We have located multiple KBO Payment Processing customer service numbers:

(770) 631-4444 – General Customer Service
(256) 373-3184 – Fax

KBO Payment Processing also offers customer service emails at [email protected] and [email protected]

The company’s available communication channels are lacking when compared to top-rated providers for great customer service.

KBO Payment Processing Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Total Complaints 0
Resolved Complaints 0

No BBB Complaints

KBO Payment Processing is not an accredited business with the Better Business Bureau. As of this review, it has no rating and has received 0 complaints in the past 36 months. Previously it had an “A+”. It also has not received any informal reviews, although it should be noted that these reviews are not subject to verification by the BBB.

An “A” Rating

Given KBO Payment Processing’s clean complaint record, we agree with the BBB’s former rating at this time, but merchants should be aware that there is reason to be skeptical of the BBB’s reviews.

KBO Payment Processing Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Rates & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate 2.69% + $0.19
Keyed-in Rate 3.69% + $0.19
Virtual Terminal Rate Up To 2.90% + $0.30
Payeezy Pro Plan Fee $19.95
Early Termination Fee Up to $495
PCI Compliance Fee $19.95 Per Month
Equipment Lease Terms 48 Month (locked)

KBO Payment Processing Contract Terms

The standard KBO Payment Processing merchant agreement is a contract through First Data (Fiserv) that appears to include a non-cancellable equipment lease. The specific details of the company’s early termination fee, PCI Compliance fees, rate structure, and other fees are not listed in this document, and given the size of First Data (Fiserv), these figures are probably subject to variation depending on a merchant’s size, business type, and time in business.

Though pricing and fees of a merchant account will vary by reseller, First Data (Fiserv) typical rates and fees are included in this review for reference. Merchants who process up to $50,000 each month will receive a swiped rate of 2.69% plus $0.19 and a keyed-in rate of 3.69% plus $0.19. Merchants whose monthly charges exceed $50,000 will receive a swiped rate of 2.29% plus $0.19 and a keyed-in rate of 3.29% plus $0.19. First Data allows resellers to choose between selling month-to-month contracts or service agreements ranging from one to five years.

Most First Data (Fiserv) agreements involve a minimum service length of two to four years, an early termination fee of up $495, and a PCI Compliance fee of $19.95 per month. Merchants also have reported costly, non-cancellable equipment leases lasting for up to 48 months through First Data Global Leasing.

Virtual Terminal and Payment Gateway Pricing

In addition to its storefront payment processing services, the KBO Payment Processing merchant application conveys that the company relies on Payeezy, powered by First Data (Fiserv), for its virtual terminal and payment gateway. Payeezy offers 2 separate plans, the Basic Plan and Pro Plan. Neither plan charges setup fees, statement fees, or gateway fees. The Basic Plan charges a rate of 2.90% plus $0.30. Meanwhile, the Pro Plan offers a lower rate of 1.89% plus $0.23 and a monthly fee of $19.95.

No Contract Complaints

At this time, there are no KBO Payment Processing complaints about their contract on any consumer protection websites. This indicates that most of the company’s clients are satisfied with their service and may suggest that the KBO Payment Processing contract terms are competitive with the cheapest merchant account providers. We also encourage merchants to check out our list of the providers of the best merchant accounts.

KBO Payment Processing Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers No
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

No Sales Complaints

We are currently unable to locate any negative KBO Payment Processing reviews that describe unethical conduct by the company’s sales team, and the company does not appear to engage in deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials.

Company Sales Approach

KBO Payment Processing appears to market itself primarily through its website and through strategic partnerships. It is unclear at this time whether the company employs a full-time inside sales staff or hires independent contractors to market its services. If you suspect that you are being charged undisclosed KBO Payment Processing fees, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to find and eliminate hidden charges. This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

Our KBO Payment Processing Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

An Above-Average Credit Card Processor

KBO Payment Processing rates as a reliable merchant services provider according to our rating criteria. The company is showing zero complaints across all consumer protection websites, and it appears to offer a wide range of possible contract terms through its credit card processor, First Data (Fiserv). Merchants are encouraged to read and negotiate their terms carefully and to compare KBO’s offerings to top-rated processors in order to receive the best possible deal.

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did KBO Payment Processing Treat You?

1 User Reviews

  • Nathan Cheryl

    I’ve been using KBO Payment Processing for my business for the past year, and I have to say, it’s been an absolute game-changer! As an entrepreneur, I understand the value of smooth and efficient payment solutions, and KBO has delivered beyond my expectations.

    Their platform is incredibly user-friendly and easy to navigate. From the seamless onboarding process to the quick integration with my existing systems, I was up and running in no time. Gone are the days of complicated payment gateways that required a tech wizard to figure out!

    One of the standout features of KBO is their lightning-fast transaction processing. My customers have noticed the difference too – payments are processed smoothly and without any delays, which has helped boost my credibility and customer satisfaction. Plus, the peace of mind that comes with their robust security measures is priceless.

    Whenever I’ve had questions or needed assistance, their customer support team has been there to lend a helping hand. I appreciate the personalized attention they provide; it feels like having a dedicated support staff just for my business.

    Not to mention, their competitive pricing has saved me a significant amount on transaction fees compared to other processors I’ve used in the past. It’s always a relief to find a reliable service that doesn’t break the bank.

    In summary, I can’t recommend KBO Payment Processing enough! They have revolutionized the way I handle payments, making my life as a business owner so much easier. With their user-friendly platform, efficient transactions, top-notch support, and cost-effective pricing, KBO has truly become an indispensable partner in my entrepreneurial journey. If you’re looking for a payment processing solution that ticks all the boxes, look no further – KBO is the way to go!

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