Align Commerce Review

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Updated 12/26/18: Align Commerce has changed its name to Veem ( We will no longer update this review and we plan to publish a Veem review in the near future.

Founded in 2014, Align Commerce ( is a payment processor that specializes in processing international bank transfers for businesses. The company utilizes Bitcoin‘s blockchain to bypass conventional banking networks, but it does not require users to send, accept, or own any actual Bitcoin. In fact, the company's website strongly downplays its use of blockchain technology, and most merchants likely would have no idea that this protocol plays a role in their transfers.

Align Commerce Location & Ownership

Align Commerce can process transfers between 60 countries at this time, and the company is headquartered at 75 Broadway Street, Suite 202 San Francisco, California 94111. Marwan Forzley is the CEO and founder of Align Commerce.

Align Commerce Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint N/A

We are currently able to locate only a handful of negative Align Commerce reviews, none of which accuse the company of being a ripoff or a scam. Most of these complaints are found on the website TrustPilot, and they primarily mention delayed payments and poor customer service. Some of these complaints appear to be isolated cases in which users set up their accounts incorrectly. The complaints of hard-to-reach customer support are troubling, but Align Commerce offers phone and email support to all of its users, which is about the best that any company can do. Taking all available merchant reviews into account, Align Commerce appears to offer reliable customer support that resolves most merchant issues in-house.

Align Commerce Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 0
Billing & Collection Complaints 0
Advertising & Sales Complaints 0
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 0
Delivery Complaints 0

Align Commerce has been accredited with the Better Business Bureau since May 2015 and currently has an “A” rating with the BBB. The company has received zero complaints since its BBB profile was opened in October 2014. It also has not received any negative informal reviews, although it should be noted that these reviews are not subject to verification by the BBB. Given Align Commerce’s clean complaint record, we agree with the BBB’s rating at this time.

Align Commerce Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate Variable
Keyed-in Rate Variable
Early Termination Fee None
PCI Compliance Fee None
Equipment Lease Terms None

There is very little publicly available information about Align Commerce’s pricing and contract terms. The company does not disclose its per-transfer rates on its website, and there are very few user reviews that mention the exact fees they have paid. According to several third-party sources, Align Commerce charges between 1.5% and 1.9% per transfer, which is far less than the 3%-5% fees that are common for international bank transfers. In addition, the company charges a flat $15 fee for same-currency transfers between two different countries. There are no reports of Align Commerce signing merchants up for long-term contracts, but some merchants have complained that the company’s sign-up process can be long and tedious.

One aspect of Align Commerce’s service that users should be aware of is its use of the Bitcoin transfer protocol to bypass traditional banking networks. Although this method does not expose merchants to the volatility of the Bitcoin market, it may put Align Commerce in unsettled regulatory territory in some markets. Merchants can use Align Commerce at this time without any concerns about security or legality, but they should generally be aware of the regulatory climate surrounding Bitcoin if they wish to transfer money through Align Commerce. In general, Align Commerce appears to offer its service at below-market rates with little to no long-term commitment required.

Align Commerce Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers No
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Align Commerce appears to market its services primarily through an in-house sales team and traditional advertising. There is no evidence at this time that the company employs independently contracted sales agents, and we are unable to locate any Align Commerce complaints that describe unethical conduct by its sales team. The company advertises that it does not charge any wire fees in most cases, and it freely discloses a $15 flat fee for bank transfers sent between two different countries in the same currency. Most merchant reviews support the company’s statement that it does not charge wire fees on most transactions. Given the available feedback, we see no reason to lower Align Commerce’s rating in this section.

Our Align Commerce Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Align Commerce rates as a reliable money transfer service according to our rating criteria. The company appears to offer wire transfers at the same speed as conventional banks for less than half the price. Small and midsize merchants who are comfortable with Align Commerce’s use of the Bitcoin blockchain may find the company to be a good fit, while larger businesses will likely prefer a more tested option. We will continue to monitor merchant feedback about Align Commerce and adjust our rating as necessary.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Align Commerce Treat You?

2 User Reviews

  • Marty

    The concept is great but they have a long way to go in terms of customer service and communication.

    I initiated a payment to Pakistan almost a month ago. Instead of telling me that they had never done this before, they attempted it. Now, it’s a month later and my payment still hasn’t gone through.

    I sent many emails, most were never responded to.

    About a week ago, they finally got back to me to tell me the wire wouldn’t go through and that they would return my funds. Fine. A week later, still nothing.

    I don’t think it’s a complete scam and realize that I probably will get my money back, eventually… but the customer services and communication leave a lot to be desired. It just isn’t right to hold onto a customer’s money for that long with little to no communication.

  • kristen

    So long as you don’t care how long your money takes to get from your bank to the receiver’s, go ahead and save yourself the couple dollars. We were told 24-48 hours, and in reality, sending money overseas takes almost 2 weeks. The money leaves your account within 24-48 hours and then just disappears for a good long while. There’s no way to track the actual status of the transfer on their website, and good luck getting anyone to give you a straight answer on where your money is.

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