EMC2 Billing Reviews & Complaints

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Company Overview

Founded in 2005, EMC2 Billing, (formerly known as EMC Payments), is a merchant account provider that specializes in card-not-present, high-risk, and international payment processing. The company is based in the United States but claims to have established operations in Germany and England in order to better serve European merchants.

EMC2 Billing Payment Processing

EMC2 Billing processes all major debit and credit cards for high-risk businesses. Their services are not listed on their website, but it is likely they provide e-commerce solutions.

Location & Ownership

EMC2 Billing is headquartered at 20058 Ventura Blvd. #199, Woodland Hills, California 91364, and does not publicly list its banking partners. Greg Berard is the CEO of the company.

EMC2 Billing Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints <10
Live Customer Support No
Most Common Complaint N/A
Recent Lawsuits No

Positive Track Record

As of our research, there are no EMC2 Billing reviews online accusing the company of fraudulent behavior or scams. Across various consumer protection websites, there is a notable absence of complaints or reviews related to EMC2 Billing. This suggests that EMC2 Billing maintains an efficient and proactive customer support team. If you have had an experience with EMC2 Billing, we encourage you to share it in the comments below.

Legal Standing

There are no ongoing class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints against EMC2 Billing based on our findings. Clients dissatisfied with their experiences are advised to report concerns to relevant supervisory organizations for further review.

Customer Support Options

While EMC2 Billing’s website does not prominently display dedicated customer support contact information, this may be due to the company’s partnership with multiple banks across different countries, necessitating various customer support centers. Although EMC2 Billing earns a favorable rating for customer service, its current support options do not meet the criteria for a top-rated customer service processor.

Contact Information for EMC2 Billing

Unfortunately, specific customer support contact details are not provided on EMC2 Billing’s website. For assistance, customers may need to reach out through the company’s partner banks or inquire directly via email.

EMC2 Billing Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

No BBB Complaints

EMC2 Billing is listed with the Better Business Bureau as “EMC2 Billing” and has not been accredited business by the Better Business Bureau. As of this review, the company has no rating with the BBB and has not had any complaints filed against it in the last 36 months.

An “A” Performance Overall

Given the company’s clean complaint record and resolution ratio, we agree with the BBB’s rating. Business owners should still be aware that there are good reasons to be skeptical of the BBB’s reviews.

EMC2 Billing Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Cost & Fees Summary
Cancellation Penalties Variable
Monthly & Annual Fees Yes
Processing Rates 1.00% - 4.99%+
Equipment Leasing No

EMC2 Billing Contract Terms

Currently, details about the standard EMC2 Billing contract are not publicly disclosed. Given its specialization in high-risk sectors, the company likely tailors its pricing and contractual terms to align with the specific needs of each business, including considerations for type, location, and transaction history. EMC2 Billing’s emphasis on serving e-commerce entities suggests a reduced likelihood of promoting long-term equipment leasing agreements.

High Risk, High Fees

Companies operating within high-risk industries typically encounter higher fees from payment processors, who adjust pricing to mitigate the greater financial risk they assume. Thus, merchants partnering with EMC2 Billing can expect to see fees above the industry average for per-transaction costs. Additionally, accounts for high-risk businesses may include conditions like mandatory cash reserves and stringent fraud prevention measures to lower the risk of chargebacks.

No Red Flags

The lack of complaints regarding EMC2 Billing’s contract terms contributes to a positive assessment in this area, although this rating is provided in the absence of concrete details on the contract specifics. Due to the company’s orientation towards high-risk clients, it’s probable that EMC2 Billing’s terms may not be as favorable as those offered by providers with the most competitive merchant accounts. We invite individuals with direct experience or knowledge about EMC2 Billing’s contracts to share insights in the comments section of this review.

Business owners in search of competitive merchant services are encouraged to explore our curated list of the best merchant services.

EMC2 Billing Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Uses Independent Resellers No
Telemarketing No
Misleading Marketing No
Discloses All Important Terms No

In-House Sales Team

EMC2 Billing appears to rely on its in-house sales team and traditional advertising to market its services. There is no evidence at this time indicating that the company employs independent sales agents, and we are unable to locate any EMC2 Billing reviews that report unethical behavior by the company’s sales staff.

This compares favorably to our list of best credit card processors.

No Misleading Quotes

EMC2 Billing does not appear to engage in any deceptive advertising strategies in its official materials. In fact, its website provides a limited amount of information overall, which is likely due to its focus on international and high-risk clients. If you suspect that EMC2 Billing is charging you undisclosed fees, we recommend seeking a third-party statement audit to eliminate hidden charges.

Our EMC2 Billing Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

According to all available information, EMC2 Billing rates as a dependable credit card processing provider. There is not a lot of specific information available about the company’s sales tactics or contract terms at this time, and it is possible that the company’s rating will change once more becomes known. Even when dealing with companies that rate highly by our standards, we urge business owners to thoroughly examine the terms of any contract they are given and to compare its pricing to top-rated high-risk merchant accounts.

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Which is Most Important for You?

If you had to pick one, which quality would you say will be the most important with your next credit card processor? Tap or click your selection to register your vote:

  1. Low Transaction Fees
  2. No Monthly Fees
  3. No Contract
  4. Reliable Customer Support
  5. Quick Signup

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did EMC2 Billing Treat You?

2 User Reviews

  • Aida Chiang


    Since our company is researching merchant service cooperators, there are some questions about your company service.

    1. Does the customer pay through 2D or 3D channels? [-2D (can the customer pay directly after entering CCV?),-3D (Mobile phone or email verification code is still required)]
    2. Settlement period and settlement rate
    3. Settlement process and settlement threshold?
    4. What countries can collect money from? Are there any other restrictions?
    5. Are there any commodity restrictions for trading?
    6. What are the limit and limit times of receiving money in a single day?

  • Aida Chiang

    Since our company is researching merchant service cooperators, there are some questions about your company service.

    Could your company accept local companies or foreign companies?
    What currency types are acceptable?
    What payment methods are acceptable?
    What is the handling fee for the collection channel?
    How soon can I withdraw my money?

    Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you very much!

Tell Us How They Treated You

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Comments must contain details about your experience. Please do not use ALL CAPS. Self-promotion, marketing content, or contact information of any kind will not be published. By submitting a comment, you are agreeing to our Comment Policy


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