Performance Merchant Alliance Review

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UPDATE 1/16/2019: The Performance Merchant Alliance website has not been active since December 2018. The company appears to have fully transitioned to its new brand name of Freedom Card Solutions. See our Freedom Card Solutions review for up-to-date information about this company.

Performance Merchant Alliance ( is a merchant account provider headquartered in Orlando, Florida. The company has recently rebranded as Freedom Card Solutions (, but the Performance Merchant Alliance brand is still active. There is a lot of conflicting information about the company’s location, management, and corporate affiliations. One anonymous comment (now deleted) in the Topix forum for Dallas, Texas, made a number of allegations regarding Performance Merchant Alliance, including the following:

  • Performance Merchant Alliance is a DBA of BECKLAW LLC and of BECKSNY LLC.
  • Jonathan Beckman is the owner of BECKLAW LLC and of BECKSNY LLC.
  • Jonathan Beckman and Brad Law are the owners of Prestige Payments Oregon, a DBA of National Payment Systems, LLC.
  • National Payment Systems, LLC, is somehow affiliated with a company in Florida called Payventure One.
  • All of these companies are somehow tied to Matthew Wiltsey, the former CEO of Payment Systems Corporation.
  • Performance Merchant Alliance is a rebranding of Payment Systems Corporation.

To summarize, the commenter alleges that Performance Merchant Alliance is a rebranding of Payment Systems Corporation, and that it is operated by the owners of Prestige Payment Systems Oregon. We have carefully investigated this information because Payment Systems Corporation and Prestige Payment Systems Oregon are two of the poorest-rated companies that we have reviewed. Our own research has turned up the following information:

  • The Florida Business Registry lists BECKSNY LLC’s address as 20 N. Orange Ave, Suite 1300, Orlando, Florida 32801. The Better Business Bureau provides the exact same address for Performance Merchant Alliance, and this source lists “Payment Systems Corporation Orlando” at this location.
  • Matt Wiltsey is listed as the CEO of Payment Systems Corporation, which is no longer an active brand.
  • Payment Systems Corporation was acquired by i3 Verticals.
  • The Performance Merchant Alliance website provides documentation from i3 Verticals.
  • Jonathan Beckman and Brad Law are listed as members at National Payment Systems LLC.
  • National Payment Systems LLC is listed as a registering agent for Payventure One in Florida.
  • Merchant Processing Solutions, a DBA of Payment Systems Corporation, is also listed as a registering agent for Payventure One.
  • Jonathan Beckman and Brad Law are listed as members at BECKLAW LLC, a Carrollton, Texas-based company.
  • Performance Merchant Alliance maintains an office in Dallas, Texas.

Overall, the available evidence supports most of the claims made by the anonymous commenter on Topix. We believe it is probable that Performance Merchant Alliance is a DBA or subsidiary of the company formerly known as Payment Systems Corporation, and a DBA of BECKSNY LLC and BECKLAW LLC. There is also a significant amount of evidence suggesting that Performance Merchant Alliance is affiliated with (or a DBA of) United Card Solutions, National Card Solutions, Direct Processors, and a company called Merchant Consulting Group. In particular, the Better Business Bureau lists Jeff Easter as the principal at Performance Merchant Alliance, just as it does with a few of these other companies. We cannot find any third-party sources that link Jonathan Beckman or Brad Law directly to Performance Merchant Alliance, but the existing evidence overwhelmingly indicates a connection of some kind. Performance Merchant Alliance is a reseller of First Data products and services and does not disclose its address, acquiring bank, or executive leadership on its website. The Performance Merchant Alliance Facebook page states that the company was launched in June 2015.

Key Points

  • Sales & Marketing: Performance Merchant Alliance appears to hire independently contracted agents and has received a high number of complaints about its sales team.
  • Costs & Contract: Performance Merchant Alliance offers a three-year contract with an early termination fee of $495 or more.
  • Complaints & Service: Performance Merchant Alliance has received more than 60 public complaints.
  • BBB Rating: Performance Merchant Alliance has an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau and has received 38 complaints in the last three years.
  • Rates & Fees: How Merchants Got The Best Rates With Performance Merchant Alliance

Performance Merchant Alliance Customer Reviews

Here's What Their Clients Say

Customer Reviews Summary
Total Online Complaints 60+
Live Customer Support Yes
Most Common Complaint Hidden Fees

We have found more than 60 negative Performance Merchant Alliance reviews, some of which accuse the company of being a scam. Common complaints include nondisclosure of equipment lease terms, misrepresentation of rates, irritating sales calls, poor customer service, and an unprofessional work environment. This complaint total is high for a brand that has only been active since June 2015, and the damage appears to be especially severe for merchants who are stuck in undisclosed leasing agreements. Performance Merchant Alliance’s apparent affiliation with several other poorly rated companies is also a major reason for its high complaint total. These factors have lowered the company’s grade in this section to a “D.” Performance Merchant Alliance claims to offer 24/7 phone support on its website.

Performance Merchant Alliance Online Ratings

Here's How They Rate Online

Online Ratings Summary
Product & Service Complaints 22
Billing & Collection Complaints 1
Advertising & Sales Complaints 15
Guarantee & Warranty Complaints 0
Delivery Complaints 0

Performance Merchant Alliance currently has an “F” rating with the Better Business Bureau and is not BBB accredited. The company’s profile was established in September 2015, and it has received 38 complaints since then. Twenty-two complaints were related to product or service problems, 15 complaints were related to advertising or sales issues, and one complaint had to do with billing. Performance Merchant Alliance successfully resolved seven complaints, while 23 either were resolved to the dissatisfaction of the merchant or did not receive a final response from the merchant. Seven other complaints received a response but not a good faith effort toward resolution, and one more complaint received no response whatsoever. The BBB has cited these unresolved complaints as one major factor lowering the company’s grade.

Given the very brief time that the BBB’s Performance Merchant Alliance profile has been active, the company’s high complaint total, and its poor resolution ratio, we see no reason to adjust the BBB’s rating at this time.

Performance Merchant Alliance Fees, Rates & Costs

A Closer Look at The Contract

Rates & Fees Summary
Swiped Rate Variable
Keyed-in Rate Variable
Early Termination Fee 495+
PCI Compliance Fee $150 Per Year
Equipment Lease Terms 48 Months, Non-Cancellable

The standard Performance Merchant Alliance contract (available below) is a three-year agreement through i3 Verticals with a variable early termination fee. We have found a moderate number of complaints claiming that Performance Merchant Alliance reps lied about rates or did not disclose monthly and annual fees, including a $495 cancellation fee. Complainants also consistently report that the company provides long-term, non-cancellable equipment leases through First Data Global Leasing. We do not recommend these leases because they ultimately charge thousands of dollars for equipment that can be purchased for under $500.

We have obtained a copy of the standard Freedom Card Solutions contract, and Freedom Card Solutions is a new DBA of Performance Merchant Alliance. This contract is a three-year term that includes an activation fee of $199 and an early termination fee of “an amount equal to all monthly fees due for the remainder of the existing term of the MPA, including all monthly minimum fee commitments, which in no case shall be less than four hundred and ninety-five dollars ($495.00).” The contract also comes with a four-year, non-cancellable equipment lease through Ascentium Capital LLC, a $150 annual PCI compliance fee, a $25 monthly minimum fee, a $13 monthly statement fee, and other assorted fees. These contract terms are just about as expensive as they come in the industry, and we do not recommend them for any merchant. It seems highly likely that Freedom Card Solutions and Performance Merchant Alliance offer similar if not identical contract terms.

In general, the consensus among merchants appears to be that Performance Merchant Alliance’s pricing is higher than industry averages and is improperly disclosed at the time of signing. If you have any specific knowledge of the company’s rates and fees, please share that information in the comment section below this review. See the Performance Merchant Alliance/i3 Verticals Program Guide and the Freedom Card Solutions Merchant Agreement.

Performance Merchant Alliance Employee Reviews & Sales Tacitcs

Should You Work For Them?

Jobs & Marketing Summary
Employs Independent Resellers Yes
Advertises Deceptive Rates No
Discloses All Important Terms No

Performance Merchant Alliance appears to primarily market its services through a combination of telemarketing and independently contracted sales agents. This marketing strategy tends to generate a high volume of merchant complaints, and Performance Merchant Alliance appears to be no exception. We are currently able to locate many recent Performance Merchant Alliance complaints that describe persistent, aggressive sales calls, deceptive sales presentations, and unethical standards within the organization. These complaints have been filed by merchants who processed through the company as well as by former employees of the company. The content of the available complaints is consistent with older negative reviews of Payment Systems Corporation.

Performance Merchant Alliance appears to be just one brand within a larger family of brands managed by Payment Systems Corporation (now i3 Verticals). In fact, the company appears to have recently launched a new DBA called Freedom Card Solutions. This organizational structure is common among providers that wish to spread a large number of complaints across multiple brands. We believe that this tactic makes it harder for merchants to research the companies contacting them and creates the mistaken impression that these companies operate independently of one another.

To its credit, Performance Merchant Alliance does not list any misleading rate quotes or unrealistic guarantees on its website. However, the frequency and content of the complaints that have been filed against it have lowered its grade to a “D” in this section.

Our Performance Merchant Alliance Review Summary

Our Final Thoughts

Performance Merchant Alliance is a very poorly rated processor according to our criteria. The company is the subject of a high number of complaints for its size and time in business, and its available contract terms appear to be as expensive as they come within the industry. In addition, it has clear connections to multiple other poorly rated providers. At this time, we see nothing to suggest that merchants will receive a positive outcome when processing payments through this company and its affiliates.

Testimonials & Complaints

How Did Performance Merchant Alliance Treat You?

32 User Reviews

  • Rhonda

    Update 03/21/2019
    The company has changed to DBA/ “AccessOne” via “BlueSquare” website at “”.
    I have been attempting to speak to an account manager concerning over charges and inaccurate percentages being assessed. Needless to say I still have not heard from anyone.
    I explained the situation to the representative that answered the phone number.

    I didn’t mention it and they were not aware that I had a copy of the original document and continued to give me the run around when I called multiple times over the last month to ask why we are being charged fees that differ from the original contract agreement.
    I finally got a copy of the contract from a woman named “Ashley via e-mail”
    To my horror, upon examination of the copy they e-mailed, several things were forged, changed and out right fraudulent entries were made to the document.
    The pages originally had a time – date – stamp as is normal for a faxed document, the page that was forged and changed had no time -date stamp at all and with all the changes made include forging a signature, initials, changing the percentages on the fee schedule and such.
    I immediately called the center back and spoke to “Ashley” again . This conversation was not pleasant, she became very rude and argumentative with me, cut me off mid sentence when i explained that they are committing bank fraud and transferred me to her “supervisor”.
    Supervisor “Steven” obviously didn’t answer and I left a message for him to call immediately and that I want answers.
    No call yet.
    I am going to report to the BBB. I am also going to contact an attorney to see what can be done.
    Buyer Be Ware

    This post will help: Eliminate Hidden Charges In Your Monthly Bill

  • Jerry Braddock

    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY .SCAM! CROOKS !! YOU THINK THE Justice system would Take swift action on behalf of good honest business men and women that are having to deal with these Thieves .I Just filed a response to a summons , These guys are OUT OF CONTROL .

  • Regina Becker

    two weeks ago I was hacked and had to change my business account number with the bank. I called PMA whom I have been with for two years and updated my account with them. as of today they are still holding over $1000.00 . because the “bank is still updating”. what a crock!!! excuse after excuse. !! I wish I had done my homework before signing with them :^( Does anyone know a good lawyer or where do I go next?

    From The Editor
    This Post Might Help: Best Merchant Accounts for Psychics

  • Scott Randolph

    Performance Merchant Alliance is rebranding of Payment Systems Corporation and is a dba of Becklaw, LLC and Becksny, LLC. This business located on 20 North Orange Avenue is the same address that Payment Systems Corporation formerly operated at. The company is run by Dean Synder who uses the alias Dean Snyder. Dean Synder was convicted of the federal offense of Defrauding Financial Business on 03/12/2012 in case number 1110708. He is married to the sales manager Lindsay Nolan. Both Lindsay Nolan and Dean Synder worked previously at Bill Heard Auto Group as finance managers and those dealerships were closed for power booking where the value of the vehicle was inflated by adding extra features and options on a car that the vehicle did not have and misrepresenting that fact to a third party lender. Performance Merchant Alliance has their sales representatives do savings analysis’s that misrepresent that the merchant will charged 0% fees on debit cards and 1% on credit cards with a 9 cent swiping fee and no interchange fees. Then the sales representatives have the merchant sign a 4 to 5 year leasing agreement on their credit card machine with monthly fees as high as $300.00 for a machine they could have purchased outright for less than $500.00. The lease agreement is noncancellable. This company is currently being investigated by the Florida Attorney General’s office

  • Quy Nguyen

    Hi Alex,
    1- that machine is not even hook up or use
    2- I had called the sale guy to come pick it up , and he was aware that the machine he send is not compatible with our system
    3- George Allen- your sale guy- went to make a copy for the contact and said will comeback to give me a copy .He didn’t . and still today – after many request – 5 month latter I still couldn’t get the hold of that contract – Which we both initial that if the machine is not compatible and if I don’t use it or say go , the contract will be void.
    4- the sale guy said that as long as it not hook up , i should not be getting all this charges
    5- I can’t believe that your company services are not conducts as promised
    6- you can just not drop off the machine and charge honest people that had give you the opportunity to do business with you
    hi Quy,
    I just confirmed that we received the terminal back and that we have closed your processing account. I can’t address the promises from your sales person, but I did my best to help with your situation after that, I hope you understand.

  • Colin McLay

    DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! Before signing an agreement with First Data/Merchant Consulting Group we were assured we would be getting a reduction in credit card/debit fees with NO HIDDEN FEES. As soon as we got the first statement we realized we had been duped. We called and were assured by the sales manager Miles Suffling that we would only be charged the $495 cancellation fee and he would get the contract for 48 months of renting their piece of junk machine nullified. After waiting 2 weeks we contacted First Data only to find the sales manager has NO AUTHORIZATION to do as promised. We have already switched back to our old provider and are currently trying to find a way to nullify this contract. Every response we get from the company is of course from someone whose sole job it is to say “no” to everything we request. If you are ever approached by someone trying to “save you money” on your credit card transactions make sure they ARE NOT from First Data/Merchant Consulting Group. This is not a reputable company.

  • Jagadish Chalasani

    Please do yourself a big big favor. Please donot under any circumstance, no matter what, regardless of whatever promises PMA makes, no matter how juicy they are please do not go with PMA for any kind of card payment related business.

    I cannot image that these guys are still allowed to do business. Unfortunately I cannot post more details as I am taking the issue that happened with me to a “Trusted Agency” to create a shield from these kind of activities.

    I am posting this message as I do not want anybody else fall for these kind of people. It can totally damaged your entire business.

  • Zack

    I was just contacted and offered a job as an outside sales rep. Sounded pretty sketchy to me and now I’ve found all of this. I started with background checks and have found nothing positive. I can share the info if it would help anyone.

  • Sheena Holder

    When Greg Milano came into our store promising amazing rates, I was immediately skeptical. I began searching for reviews of the company on the BBB and similar sites right in front of him. His apparent discomfort made it clear that I was on the right track. As I dug deeper, I saw reviews from hard working business owners who claimed to be under the grasp of this company’s “non-cancelable” lease. So I asked him about that. He acted like he had no idea what I was talking about. He explained away each instance and then showed me my contract. I immediately located the clause of concern and asked him about it. “There are no processing cancelation fees” he said…. “I’ll write it on your contract ” he said…. “but you keep specifying ‘processing’ cancellation fees like that’s being very specific” I said… “I don’t want to be stuck paying out the lease” I said… “I’ll write no pma cancellation fees, that covers everything” he said. And so eventually we agreed and I signed the contract. But then I heard about another company that I wanted to look at. So before the equipment arrived, I said to hold off on that contract. But the equipment arrived and I asked again to hold off. Then their true colors immediately began to show- on every level. The kind salesman who was initially so helpful, was now a smug and hateful man with a sarcastic tone and insults on a personal level. It immediately became clear that he targeted me from the start because I’m a female business owner. The general manager who so freely offered her direct number in case I need anything suddenly won’t answer her phone. The people from first data on two occasions promised to have someone call and now almost a month into the ordeal, nothing. All I know is that they fully expect to enforce this contract regardless of the changes they made. No response on the BBB complaint I filed. I’ve posted a video on YouTube showing my experience. Their reputation manager wants it taken down. View it at Heed the warning- don’t let this happen to you!

    • pradip patel

      I am in the same boat can any one please help me. the same company has filed a lawshut against me for $33000.00 for non cancletion equipment lease and the salesman was GREGG MILANO, and now he never ever answer his phone.

    • pradip

      I am a store owner and i was approached by greg milano and we signed up with the lease equipment llc.the compnay send out credit card equipment to my gas station without notifying me.we told greg milano that we did not want to proceed with anything at this time in point. this was because we were still trying to renew our lease on the gas station. soon after the equipment arrived the lease company started charging us money. we had to make several stop payments to my account in order from them not to take the money i rang greg milano to tell him what was goin on, but he did not pick up my call. so several months had passed and i did not hear from greg or the leasing company.suddenly one day i got a phone call and a letter stateing that the lease company was taking me to court because i did not pay them the money. firstley they send out the wrong equipment, secondly no one came to my site for a inspection and the equipment was not even installed or anything.and now they want to take me to court.i would really appreciate if any one could advise / help me on this situation.

      • Robin

        Pradip, Greg doesn’t even use his real name. His name is Gregory Paul fishner. I did a intense background check on him and I find out he is a criminal. You can search by his real name and you’ll see all the mugshots and he lives at [REDACTED – personal contact information]
        He is a sicko a big scammer!!! Good luck!

  • James

    This company is 100% based on lies and deception, they re wrote the contract for us after we went over every line on the page, on top of reading and asking questions and repeating ourselves and recording the entire process on video they still are refusing to refund the money they have taken from us, they well not return phone calls and the sales guy is not even remotely friendly with us at all after he screwed us over. And they won’t allow us to cancel without fees which we were GUARANTEED there was no fees for. We still haven’t even opened the equipment and they are already charging us for it. I’ve never heard anything like this, as much as the government tries to control why do they allow these people tiki walk free, they need to be in jail people work hard for money that pma is stealing. Someone please do something and help, DON’T SPEND MONEY WITH THEY OUR SIGN ANYTHING FROM THEM

  • Suet Chan

    We are a carryout in nothern Virginia. We were approached by a sales representative yesterday. I thought he would present the plan for 10-15 mins. I was wrong. He stayed here for about 2 hours pushing me to sign a 4- year contract with his company THAT DAY. I politely rejected him MANY Times because I needed to do some research about this company eventhough their terms are attractive. He told me that they have more than 5000 customers in the nation, and told the a store nearby is also one of their customers.
    He kept pushing me to sign the contract, I am so glad that I rejected.
    I actually called the owner of the store whom the sales representative claimed to be their customer. The owner of the store told me that they had never signed the contract, and they would never going to work with them. So.. The sales representative was LYING. I also researched about the company– terrible rating, a dishonest company. Don’t let their attractive rate fool you.

  • Tim

    A PMA sale rep stopped by our restaurant today and tried to talk us into doing business with them. She assured us that they would beat our Wells Fargo merchant processor by half. We almost agreed to sign the paperwork . She was pretending to be very professional but I was feeling uncomfortable in believing in her. She tried to get us sign the 48 month contract ASAP. She didn’t give us enough time for considering. Her aggressive attitude made us aware of what was going on. Besides, She didn’t even have a business card. Her name was Stephanie Conte. Be careful with these people.

    • Sam

      Performance Merchant Alliance did exactly what they said they would do for us. We were with Bank of America and were getting charged 3.6%. Performance signed us up on a Cost Plus contract after explaining to us how it worked. It cut our costs down to about 1.9%. If you would like to know who I worked with I would be more than willing to give my reps name for you to work with him directly. This industry is about the Rep working with you, not about the company. Thanks.

  • Mike Aqel

    Company forged my contract and overcharged me!

    When I signed up I didn’t get my daily transactions deposited into my account for 4 weeks! After a ton of complaints, they said that they made a mistake and entered my bank account incorrectly into the system. On the third week, they confirmed that it’s been fixed, however things got worse. I had to deal for another week with the inability to offer my customer the ability to charge on credit cards due to another mistake that had something to do with the initial one. This caused tremendous damage to my customer base given that I’m starting a new business and 80% of the customers ran away and never came back when informed of this deficiency. After multiple complaints to Joleen (customer service manager), she promised to send an alternative machine for temporary use with overnight delivery… nothing was received!

    My contract stated that I would be charged 1% for credit cards and 0% for debit cards plus $0.03 for each transaction plus $99/month for the equipment for a term of one year. INTERCHANGE fee is included! When I asked the sales person how can they afford it, he said that they have a deal with the credit card companies for friends and family and neighbors. Unfortunately he was a neighbor! This offer was confirmed with his manager Matt Patton. After signing by a few weeks, I received a copy of a different contract with a forged signature and initials, which does not state the above criteria, and for a term of FOUR years! Called to complain, Joleen asked me to email her the original contract and said they’d honor it. I did so, which apparently was the reason for her to stop responding to any of my calls or emails. And, they kept charging me crazy amounts as high as 15-20% of my daily transactions! They also would not move the deductions to the end of cycle or month as it’s my option to make that change. Several complaints took place including to Joleen’s manager named Ann… without a response given.

    After informing the sales person of all the issues, he stated that he stopped working with them since he found out they were crooks!

    It doesn’t end at that… the same kind of treatment and forging of the contract took place with my shopping center neighbor!!!

    After calculating all the over charges, they’ve charged me an average of 15% of my transactions processed thru them of the period of 8 weeks!

    • James

      We’re having a very bad situation with this company and we wanted to know if you have come up with an answer and if there’s any way that maybe you and your neighbor and us and anyone else could band together find an attorney that will go up against these people and start a class action lawsuit what they are doing is a crime it’s robbery they are taking people’s money because they are legally covered to do so

      • Greg

        I am right there with all of you. I was shocked to see money deducted on each of my daily deposits. So when I saw another amount deducted at the end of the month, I became very concerned. I have 2 locations andy second locations fees 1/3 of my main location even though it does 10% of my total business. These guys are total scammers.

  • Matt

    These people are scammers. They are the same low-life snakes that ran Payment Systems Corp. and operate under numerous other names, subsidiaries and many different addresses all over the country.
    They LIE, DECEIVE and TRICK their way into a signature on the contract then they will do anything and everything to USE & ABUSE and STEAL from you!!! They get away with it because it’s a “business to business transaction.” If these low life lying scammers tried doing this to consumers they would be shut down so fast it would make your head spin!!

  • Sherry

    This company is a total scam and stole money out of our bank account.Then said we would have certain rates and then lied about that.They stole money out of our bank account and went in the account under another name so we didn’t notice at first.Told us we could even have a two month trial period and could cancel at anytime and when we tried to reach anyone that could help us they gave us five different numbers that were no longer in service.We had the sales rep that sold us the agreement come in our store for weeks and they would hang up the phone on him and tell him everyone that agreed to our contract was fired and nobody could help us and nobody would let us cancel our services.The sales rep was told he would be fired if he called about any issues pertaining to the company stealing our money out of our bank account.We are making a police report ,then now we have to hire an attorney.Stay away from this company they are thieves.

  • Dave Thueson

    This company is a total fraud, nothing but lies and misrepresentations about how they operate, their charges for service, etc., etc. It is clear from reading their example bill for services and their contract that they charge many times MORE than other processors and if you do business with them you will be ripped off for hundreds or even thousands of dollars. STAY CLEAR OF THEM.

  • Gary Sumerel

    I totally agree with this review. It is basically same experience that we have had with Performance Merchants and FLG, they are scams. I don’t have time right now write my story, but I will come back, because it is rather lengthy.

  • Tim Crowley

    In August 2015 my company was contacted by a sales rep from Performance Merchant Alliance for a cheaper Payment processing system. We were fine with the plan, but made it clear that we currently had a Working Capital loan with another vender and needed similar loans to proceed. The lease for equipment we were asked to sign was with Lease Financial Group. Because the LFG Lease was “Non-Cancellable” I told the sales rep that I would only sign if we were guaranteed a comparable Working Capital loan with Performance Merchants. I made it clear that if we were not able to acquire a comparable Working Capital Loan that we wanted to make sure that we could cancel the Lease Agreement and terminate any business relationship with Performance Merchants. The Sales Rep conferenced in his boss with Performance Merchants Matt Patton to make that decision. Mr. Patton then said, “if you are not able to get a comparable Working Capital loan with Performance Merchants you can cancel your lease agreement with LFG and any other agreements that you have with Performance Merchants at any time.” Based on this conversation I moved forward and signed the lease agreement with LFG.
    Within 30-45 days we found out that the Working Capital loans provided by Performance Merchant were not comparable in any way. It was at this point that we tried to cancel our lease agreement and all other agreements with Performance Merchants.
    I contacted the Sales Rep to ask how we cancelled our contract. He said to send an email stating our intention to cancel the lease and all other agreements and to ship the payment processing equipment back. This email was sent on 11/4/2015 and is available on request.
    Because it was unclear where the equipment needed to be sent, we asked for clarification. It was confirmed via email on 11/12/15 that we were to send the equipment to the following address:

    TASQ Industries
    8875 S Washington Blvd
    Roseville, CA 95678

    The payment processing equipment was sent in 2 shipments via USPS on 11/16/15. The tracking and delivery information is available upon request.

    After the equipment was sent to TASQ I was told by Performance Merchants that the equipment we sent the equipment to the wrong location and should have sent it directly to LFG Leasing. At this point I tried to see if I could have TASQ send back the equipment. I was unable to retrieve the equipment. As of this date the payment processing equipment is at TASQ Industries in Roseville, CA.
    Matt Patton committed FRAUD by guaranteeing that we could cancel our lease agreement with LFG and any other agreements with Performance Merchants if we were unable to find comparable Working Capital Loans through Performance Merchants. We have followed the process of cancelling the lease and all other agreements suggested by our sales rep and his direct manager. We have not been able to cancel our lease agreement with LFG or any other agreements with Performance Merchants.

    In January 2016 I contacted Performance Merchants and explained the situation and that I wanted to cancel my lease and all other agreements. Performance Merchant Alliance has stated that we cannot cancel our lease agreement or any other agreements with Performance merchants.

    I have filed a Misrepresentation and Fraud of Lease Agreement with Leasing Financial Group (LFG).

    I have contacted Performance Merchants HQ in Portland Oregon every 2 weeks and have NO resolve. Performance Merchant has continually made promise that they will stop billing me for services I have NEVER used and for equipment that I DON’T even have, but they have not. I am getting charged every month. I am afraid to stop payment because I am certain they would put me into collection which would effect my business credit score.

    Performance Merchants is a dishonest company and has unwilling to resolution this issue.

  • Brian Boone

    I work in a hair salon as an independent contractor. In mid October 2015 the owner of the salon I work in was solicited by a sales representative from PMA about switching from the company we had merchant accounts for credit /debit card processing to his company . We explained that in our work arrangement we needed separate merchant accounts on one terminal due to my self employed status within the owner of the salon business. For my part I explained that the merchant fees I had been paying exceeded $100 monthly and would only be interested in switching to PMA if my monthly fees would be considerably less. The sales representative assured us that we could expect monthly fees between $40 to $50 , and with his company there were no annual fees. Since signing up with PMA in mid October to February 2016 I’ve paid roughly $820. In these months I’ve been charged in addition to base fees and transaction fees Pci noncompliance $19.95and $24.95 for invalid tax i.d. # . Within my first two statements I was notified there would be annual fees debited in January 2016. When the owner of the salon called the sales representative in regard to the extra fees we were told that the Pci noncompliance didn’t apply unless you owned the terminal and that my s.s# should be the valid number used in place of the tax i.d since I file my taxes under my ss# and that the annual fees wouldn’t apply to us . We were instructed by the sales representative to let him handle putting a stop to the extra fees and getting our individual merchant accounts refunded any overages. The fees were never corrected and for my account there was never a refund. The owner of the salon and I agreed we’d not make anymore transaction effective January 1st 2016 until we got resolution on these issues . In my February statement there was a notification effective March 2016 in addition to any other fees there be a $100 fee for inactivity. It was at this point I began to actively seek cancelation. It took 3 weeks to make contact with someone in regard to cancelations. I was told there would be some undetermined early cancelation fee. I feel like I’ve been mislead and financially held captive . I’m a small business person with an income that reflects that. In my business a dissatisfied client receives another services to a tempt satisfaction or thier money back just that simple. It’s hard to understand how PMA could allow this without it being a deliberate scam .

    Are you with Performance Merchant Alliance? Learn how to resolve this complaint.


    PMA cannot uphold their portion of a contract which was obtained using unethical business practices and they are refusing to cancel the contract.
    On November 30, 2015 I met with a sales agent for PMA, I explained to him the type of system we were operating on. The agent was uninformed and poorly trained so he called his supervisor, Courtney Pleasant, whom I spoke with about the fact that our POS system has been found incompatible with most merchant systems. Courtney assured me several times over as well as through text messages that PMA could make our operating system compatible and that we would not be charged for equipment or ending our current contract. I filled out a form explaining to them that compatibility was most important and savings was second. I later found out that those forms are considered “unofficial documentation” and do not pertain to the contract. I agreed verbally to the contract as long as they were able to make it compatible to my operating system. Courtney visited my pharmacy to look over the system and confidently stated that PMA could make the systems compatible. On 12/14/2015 I received several calls from another associate of PMA Morey Tarkesian for information on my operating system, I provided him with all requested details. The last call I received from Morey was him stating that they could not make the systems compatible and that the contract is still binding even though their company can not provide me with the service I need in order to help the patients in my pharmacy. I was completely baffled that when I reviewed the contract that was sent to me by Morey that nothing was in my writing and after reaching out to the sales agent I learned that what I actually filled out was “unofficial” and not everything I wanted was transferred over to the binding contract. Additionally, we were charged $202.90 on 12/04/2015 for the equipment even though it was written that the equipment would be provided at no charge after speaking with Courtney several times he stated that he would have the charge reversed and has failed to do so as of 12/15/2015.

    Are you with Performance Merchant Alliance? Learn how to resolve this complaint.

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